
⊥-type beams

Bridge beams are structural elements, made of precast prestressed concrete, that serve to all types of overground crossings (passage, bridge, viaduct). Depending on their destination lengths vary between 6 and 60 m.


Beton armat, clasa de rezistenţă C35/45; etrieri şi conectori care permit conectarea cu baza fundaţiei turnată insitu.

Category Length (m) Width (m) Height (m)
⊥-type beam
6.00 - 13.00
0.42 - 0.52

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As a national leader in our industry, Konstruktion is revolutionizing what you expect from a contractor.

Who We Are

As a national leader in our industry, Konstruktion is revolutionizing what you expect from a contractor.

Who We Are

As a national leader in our industry, Konstruktion is revolutionizing what you expect from a contractor.