

Here you can consult or download Ferrobeton Romania's documents - certifications, authorizations, commitments, codes of conduct and work.

DWG Plans

Improving traffic safety and increasing travel speed at the national level are supported by the development of transportation infrastructure. Designing solutions that optimize routes is essential for such projects.

The Ferrobeton team supports construction specialists from the design phase, providing reliable technical support for the realization of the most complex infrastructure projects. We offer you detailed DWG plans of the formwork for Ferrobeton prefabricated elements, which are easy to integrate into road infrastructure projects.

Discover and download our DWG plans for free and benefit from our technical expertise throughout your project.


The success of our partners brings value to our work. This is the reason why we do our best to manufacture products in accordance with high quality standards to be used in the most complex construction projects in Romania.

The long-term relationships with our suppliers and customers reflect the trust in the qualitative solutions offered by our team.

We are continuously working to improve the quality of the products and services offered, for a superior performance and achieving the best result in the construction sites. The entire product range manufactured by Ferrobeton Romania is with CE conformity mark and we are a railway supplier of precast concrete elements authorized by AFER.

Integrated management system

Ferrobeton Romania’s quality of products is guaranteed by a thorough supervision according to the triple certified Integrated Management System: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001.

The quality of the solutions we offer to our customers is, from our point of view, an essential condition for our entire activity, with numerous benefits for all parties involved.

Thus, Ferrobeton Romania provides precast concrete elements, delivered for road infrastructure projects, electrical infrastructure or building structures, but also high-quality services, integrating environmental management practices and the highest standards regarding safety and security at work.

Ethics and integrity

Our team's work is based on business ethics and integrity as fundamental principles. We treat every situation with honesty, transparency and fairness. We strongly believe that there is never a good business reason to do the wrong thing.

Because business ethics underpins all interactions of our team, we expect our partners to share our strong commitment to ethical business practices.

Our standards of ethics and business conduct include respect for human rights, occupational health and safety and care for the environment. Our Code of Business Conduct outlines our core values of integrity, honesty, and respect for the law. Thus, we respect the highest standards and fulfill our obligations towards all partners.

Pentru proiectare

Activăm cu integritate și ne asumăm responsabilități sociale tot mai mari. Reducerea emisiilor de carbon o adresăm printr-un plan amplu de măsuri pentru a ne îndrepta către zero emisii și a proteja biodiversitatea. Activăm cu integritate și ne asumăm responsabilități sociale tot mai mari. Reducerea emisiilor de carbon o adresăm printr-un plan amplu de măsuri pentru a ne îndrepta către zero emisii și a proteja biodiversitatea.

Activăm cu integritate și ne asumăm responsabilități sociale tot mai mari. Reducerea emisiilor de carbon o adresăm printr-un plan amplu de măsuri pentru a ne îndrepta către zero emisii și a proteja biodiversitatea. Activăm cu integritate și ne asumăm responsabilități sociale tot mai mari.


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work together? build together?

Integrated management system

Who We Are

As a national leader in our industry, Konstruktion is revolutionizing what you expect from a contractor.

Who We Are

As a national leader in our industry, Konstruktion is revolutionizing what you expect from a contractor.

Who We Are

As a national leader in our industry, Konstruktion is revolutionizing what you expect from a contractor.