⊥-type beams

Ferrobeton Bridge beams are structural elements, made of precast prestressed concrete, that serve to all types of overground crossings (passage, bridge, viaduct). Depending on their destination lengths vary between 6 and 60 m. Previous Next Characteristics Beton armat, clasa de rezistenţă C35/45; etrieri şi conectori care permit conectarea cu baza fundaţiei turnată insitu. Category Length […]
T-type beams

Ferrobeton Bridge beams are structural elements, made of precast prestressed concrete, that serve to all types of overground crossings (passage, bridge, viaduct). Depending on their destination lengths vary between 6 and 60 m. Previous Next Characteristics Beton armat, clasa de rezistenţă C35/45; etrieri şi conectori care permit conectarea cu baza fundaţiei turnată insitu. Category Length […]
IP-type beams

Ferrobeton Bridge beams are structural elements, made of precast prestressed concrete, that serve to all types of overground crossings (passage, bridge, viaduct). Depending on their destination lengths vary between 6 and 60 m. Previous Next Characteristics Beton armat, clasa de rezistenţă C35/45; etrieri şi conectori care permit conectarea cu baza fundaţiei turnată insitu. Category Length […]
I-type beams

Ferrobeton Bridge beams are structural elements, made of precast prestressed concrete, that serve to all types of overground crossings (passage, bridge, viaduct). Depending on their destination lengths vary between 6 and 60 m. Previous Next Characteristics Beton armat, clasa de rezistenţă C35/45; etrieri şi conectori care permit conectarea cu baza fundaţiei turnată insitu. Category Length […]